Author Archives: Hale

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Rodent control – How to get rid of mice humanely and effectively

rat standing on paws

Rodent control – How to get rid of mice humanely and effectively

Mickey Mouse may be very entertaining on screen, but when you find mice and rats in your own home, it is often not quite so funny. Mice and rats can also create health and safety hazards, so they need to be dealt with quickly and effectively.

You may not wish to kill them with poison for obvious reasons. First and namely, is out of humanity, but another less important reason (although for health and safety reason, can end up causing an issue) is that they can create problems such as odour and mould if they get caught in unreachable places in your home and start to decompose.

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Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs

Wasps and similar pests gain entry to buildings via cracks and holes in the exterior of the building, cracks around doors and window frames or un-screened vents
are most common entry points. They can also converge using the exterior of the building as cover from wind and rain, creating hives and various other hive-like
structures that can not only be dangerous but also very difficult to remove.

We offer a complete pest removal service, one of our extermination specialists can arrive at your property and remove the infestation in a completely humane way.
There would be no damage caused to your property in the process of the pest removal and the infestation can be removed in a safe manner thus ensuring that no
person is harmed within the vicinity of the hive or nest structure.

Beds and Bucks provide a range of pest removal services throughout Milton Keynes including Wasp removal, bee removal and woodworm treatment.